Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Gaza Massacre & Neo-Conservativism

The Gaza Massacre & Neo-Conservativism: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis

The Zionist Israeli state has once again started a military campaign to destroy the Palestinian Muslims. Bombs and shrapnel have now replaced grass, their only staple diet that the Muslims of Gaza were forced to eat due to the sanctions and border restrictions enforced by the Zionists. The fascist Israeli state has shown its determination to collectively destroy a people who were weak and defenseless; all under the guise of securing its towns and cities against intermittent small arms fire.

This over-zealous outlook to foreign policy is heavily influenced by the neo-conservative ideology. It can be argued that it is this ideology that is responsible for the destruction of the Muslims in Gaza. However, if the neo-conservatives were to be true to their own philosophy, it would be the correct concept of Jihad[1] they would be calling for and not the annihilation of the Muslims in Palestine. Out-of-the-ordinary this may sound, but if anyone were to reflect upon history, Jihad and Islam would be the only answer to the conflict; as they have an unprecedented history in facilitating justice and peace between all communities. Jihad is not terrorism and wanton destruction; rather it is the removal of injustice and oppression just like when the Jews of Palestine fought Jihad with the Muslims against the oppressive crusaders in the 11th and 12th Centuries.

One of the fundamental philosophical elements of the neo-conservative outlook is that ‘Experience Matters’. Neo-conservatism rests on the premise that human reason is limited; this is why human experience and history are vital as references to solve contemporary problems. This creates a mentality that is incongruent with experimentation and radical ideas. Neo-conservatives argue that while some experiments may work and improve our situation as human beings, we cannot be sure that they will succeed. David Hume is often attributed with the title of the first conservative political theorist and he was the first to philosophically defend conservatism. Some of his philosophical claims include that human understanding must be drawn from experience and that we must attribute cause to events on the basis of experience.

What makes neo-conservatism stand out from other forms of conservatism is the objective to fight against tyranny. This idea originates from Leo Strauss, who became a Zionist at the age of 17, and much of his political and religious thought evolved drawing on Judaic ideas. Strauss argued that tyranny should be resisted regardless of what international institutions like the U.N. says, because bilateral institutions reflect relativism; which would only balance varying interests and cultural differences. Since neo-conservatism rejects relativism for a form of objectivism based upon historical experience – then international law is rejected. Hence Zionist Israel continues to eliminate innocent lives, as and when it wants.

At the beginning of the 21st Century neo-conservatives have seen ‘fundamentalist’ Islam as the main source of tyranny. However if we take the example of Gaza and the Palestinian problem, the neo-conservatives should not be calling for the bombing and indiscriminate killing of Muslims, they should be calling for Jihad, because history bears testimony to this. What is meant by Jihad here is the removal of oppressive and tyrannical forces. Examples include when the Mongols invaded Central Asia, Persia, Iraq and Syria in the 13th century. Jihad seeks to push occupiers out and has nothing to do with terrorism; in reality it is a basic human right. [2]

It logically follows that if, according to neo-conservative thought, human experience is the source for resolving conflict and that tyranny should be fought – then the fight should not be against ‘fundamentalist’ Islam and Muslims - rather, the fight should be taken to the real cause of the tyranny; Zionism itself.

History has shown that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was caused due to the unjust occupation of Muslim land. Experience tells us that the highest levels of damage and destruction have been caused by the killing machines of the Zionist entity, and not the so-called fanatics. For example, during the occupation, far more Muslims have been killed than Israelis.[3] The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs published a paper on Israeli-Palestinian fatalities since 2000 and the key trends identified were; the declining number of Israelis killed and a continuing high death rate for Palestinian adults and children particularly in the Gaza Strip.

Historical experience has proven that conservatism, secularism, liberalism, and ‘democracy’ have collectively failed to solve the conflict. However, history and experience has shown that under Islam, and the correct application of its foreign policy[4], the entire region and the minority communities such as the Jews did not suffer anything like the suffering being witnessed today. The famous letter from a Rabbi, after Europe’s persecution of the Jews, found in Phillip Mansel’s book “Constantinople ”, reflects this reality,

"Here in the land of the Turks we have nothing to complain of. We possess great fortunes; much gold and silver are in our hands. We are not oppressed with heavy taxes and our commerce is free and unhindered. Rich are the fruits of the earth. Everything is cheap and every one of us lives in peace and freedom..."[5]

Heinrich Graetz, a 19th century Jewish historian also expressed similar sentiments,

"It was in these favourable circumstances that the Spanish Jews came under the rule of Mahometans..."[6]

It has now become an established fact that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has not been solved via the solutions proposed by Western governments. Western nations have shown clear signs that the solutions they propose are not working. Take democracy for example, western politicians exclaimed that democracy was the answer to the conflict, however when Hamas were democratically elected western nations are now engaging in the obvious plot to empower pro-Israeli PLO and demonise Hamas by marketing the Gaza massacre as a struggle against 'Hamas-Taliban' style extremists. Additionally the International Community’s insistence on destabilising the region by endorsing an unelected but pro-Israeli government further highlights the fact that the solutions change when the results are not in line with neo-conservative foreign policy.

Since neo-conservative thought seeks to find solutions by reflecting on history and experience, many commentators would argue that they should be calling for the Muslims to cross the Israeli borders to liberate the region from the tyranny of injustice and the blood thirsty Zionist ideologues. Just like what Zion Zohar, a Jewish Historian, said about the Jews of Spain:

"Thus, when Muslims crossed the straits of Gibraltar from North Africa in 711 CE and invaded the Iberian Peninsula, Jews welcomed them as liberators from Christian Persecution."[7]

It is only a matter of time that the Zionist ideologues, whose neo-conservative foreign policy caused the current global problem, will realize that Islam and the real concept of Jihad will solve the conflict. For the neoconservative, this is a fact, as it is based upon hundreds of years of positive experience. But on reflection neo-conservativism will never realise that Islam is the solution, because they always want it to be a problem, as Islam challenges their system and way of life. Even if Islam was the only workable solution, they would prefer shedding fellow human beings blood instead of acknowledging the truth. As for the neighboring Arab armies, the Qur’an has clear advice.

"And what is the matter with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and for the oppressed among men, women and children who say, ‘Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper'"[8]

[1] http://hamzatzortzis.blogspot.com/2008/12/911-77-madrid-bombing-mumbai-attacks-is.html
[2] http://www.un.org/aboutun/charter/chapter7.htm
[3] http://domino.un.org/UNISPAL.NSF/d9d90d845776b7af85256d08006f3ae9/be07c80cda4579468525734800500272!OpenDocument
[4] http://hamzatzortzis.blogspot.com/2008/12/911-77-madrid-bombing-mumbai-attacks-is.html
[5] Philip Mansel. 1995. Constantinople: City of the World's desire, 1453-1924. Penguin Books, p. 15
[6] H. Graetz, History of the Jews, London , 1892, Vol 3, P. 112.
[7] Zion Zohar, Sephardic & Mizrahi Jewry, New York, 2005, P. 8-9.
[8] Qur’an 4:75

Here are some of the pictures of brutality shown by the Zionist Israelis in Palestine (Gaza) when BBC and CNN are busy counting the attacks made by Hamas

Bodies of Palestinian Policemen killed in the Israeli air strike

Smoke and fire are seen after an Israeli air strike in the northern Gaza Strip December 27, 2008

What was their faults?

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