Thursday, January 29, 2009

Poem- Life, Death & Eternity

Life, Death & Eternity
Ahmed Rezaul Mostafa
Though born in earth
To see holocaust
As so I believe
And so saw the light
Artificial and simple man-made
Born to see some beautiful faces
At the first sight of light
Bright and colourful
Like flowers in the sunlight
I first saw drops of dew
Through the eye I felt,
It seems like heaven
When the lap protects and guides.
So, time goes and goes
Learning and learning things,
I seem to feel the life
In those love or pains,
Life to me, seem so miserable,
So sad, so gloomy and dull
And every morning
New sadness claims upon my searches.
I see people suffer,
But still they do survive
They fight to live
When there is no peace to survive.
So astonishing, the theories of certains.
Who claims the survival of the fittest
All useless when
Some already exits.
Life goes on and on
Happiness, sadness follow through
But we try to find something
Which we also don’t know.
So mysterious, the possibilities of life
While coming back from death
Or, sometimes see it
Happening slowly and slowly.
So amazing the beauties of nature
So disastrous sometimes too!
But still we live,
We live to life,
We live for life.
When death comes near and near
All seem to disappear so quick
The beauty changes to wreckage
Life seems to fall.
All of a sudden, some memories do cry
All those goes with me
To my bed, bed of the surrender.
Now sleep and sleep and sleep
Until that day arrives, Or fear and fear and fear
And bear the punishment you claim
And wait for the day.
We all call ‘Judgement Day.’
Darkness befalls my souls
Only darkness and darkness beside
Or am I blind, I could not understand.
Now the day comes for all
And eternity begins No doubt for all……….
June 2005

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