Bismillahi - r - Rahmani-r- Rahim : In the name of the most Compassinate Most Merciful
We are merrily gethered here to celebrate the happiest commorative occation of the Muslim Ummah : Eid - e - Miladunnabi ( sm . ) , the Birth day celebration of the holy prophet of Islam , Muhammad Mustafa , Ahmad Mujtaba sallallahu alaihi Wa sallam ( May Allah shower peace and blessings upon him ) .
I begin with a quotation of a non - partisan observation from the
100 : A Ranking of the most Influential parsons in History by
“ My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others , but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.’’
“ Of humble origins , Muhammad founded and promulgated one of the world’s great religions , and became an immensely effective political leader .
Turning from the global sphere to the cosmic arena , we come across a verse of the holy Quran wherein the Creator - Lord of the universe , Allah says : We have not sent you only [ as a divine Messenger to mankind ] but as mercy’ to the worlds
( Ambiya 21:
107 ) . The area of his spiritual influence has been expended thus to cover the whole of the universe .
Addressing Muhammad ( sm ) Allah says in the holy Quran : “ We have sent you as a witness and as a given of good tidings and as a warner and as inviter to Allah with his permission and as a bright light ” ( al - Ahjab 33: 45-46 ) .
Again addressing him Allah says : “ Say [ 0 Muhammad !] , if you people want to really love Allah , so follow me , Allah Himself will love you and will forgive your sins ; and Allah isoft forgiving and Compassionate ( al-Imran 3: 31) .
In another widely significant verse Allah narrates to the Muslims and humankind at large saying : “ And remember when Allah made a Covement with the earlier Prophets that as per I have bestowed upon you revealed Books and wisdom and thereafter as and when there comes to you a grand Prophet confirming the truth of your missions , that you shall put your faith in him and shall assist him ;
Allah stipulated : Do you affirm to do so and have you accepted the promise stipulated by me ? All of them said : Varily we promise . Allah said : Then of all you ( prophets ) stand witness and I myself remain a witness along with you ” - ( al - Imran
3: 81) .
Not surprisingly , therefore , when the Christians had completely
Forgotten the proper name of the Creator Lord and made it a fashion to call him with idolatrous names , such as , God , Ishwar etc . about 570 years after the demise of Jesus christ , Muhammad
( sm . ) was born . Even several centuries before the birth of Christ , the Jewish people , the followers of Prophet Moses , happened to forget the proper name of the Supreme Lord in the aftermath of the disastrous event of captivity . Both the Christians and the Jews have been trying to recollect it for the last two thousand years but without success . Being youngest of the propagators of the Abrahamic semitic religion of the oneness , Unity or Unitarian doctrine of the Creator Lord , it devolved upon Muhammad (sm.)
to restore afresh the abrahamic doctrine of Tawhid , the Unitarian name of his Lordship as ‘ Allah ’, commemorated by Abraham him self in the ceremonial Hajj pilgrimage around the Allah’s first worshipping house of Kaaba at Makkah. At the behest of Muhammad innumerable Jews and Christians embraced the latest and fuller manifestation of the three Abrahamic religions, namely
Islam. Refusing to accept the proper name of the Creator Lord as
‘Allah’, meaning ‘the only Lord’, the remaining Christians and Jews are still groping in the darkness about his name. The Christians still do not know the name of Allah and call him by the idolatrous name of god, writing it with capital G. The Jews on the other hand , write His name as ‘ Ilahim ’ but pronounce it as
‘Adonai’, a Greek word meaning ‘ our lord ’ as they believe that their Lips have been desecrated . The grammarians regretfully point out however that the word ‘ Ilahim ’ in the Hebrew language gives a pluralistic meaning instead of Unity deserved by the Lord .
Muhammad’s (sm) prophetic mission was Islam , which was not formulated by him , but was entrusted to him by the creator – sustainer lord of the Universe , Allah ( swt ) as an eternal message of ‘ peace and security . Islam literally means both peace and security . Islam thus implies ‘ attaining security and peace by submitting one’s will to the will of Allah . Muhammad ( sm . ) preached Islam as a religion as a code of ethical morality , as a comprehensive way of Human life , as a complete set of the virtuous rules of human conduct not as the rule of layout as a rule of justice , not however from his own thought and imagination but as revealed to him by Allah Himself . He was designated as the
Servant and messenger of Allah to the whole of mankind and also to the jinn .
Islam is a universal religion without distinction of race and color . It is a religion that can solve the problems of all ages . It
is equally suited to solve the problems of our space Age and computer revolution .
One of the greatest western scholar - orientalist of the 20th century and the late founder - Director of the Islamic Institute at the
“ A significant distinction between the two Religions is that if the new Testament is a revelation of God ; The Quran is a revelation from God .’
“ Any religion that has lasted fourteen centuries must have something fundamentally significant and meaningful to say to every man - whether he is a millionaire or a pauper , a prince or a slave. And Islam undoubtedly does ” (Islam in Modern History,
The greatest Western Historian of the 20th century, A.J. Toynbee Says: “In these recently and rapidly opened up tropical territories [
“If ever the ‘natives’ of these regions (central Africa and Indonesia) succeed in recapturing a spiritual state in which they are able to call their souls their own, it may prove to have been the Islamic spirit that has given fresh form to the void. This spirit may be expected to manifest itself in many practical ways; and one of these manifestations might be a liberation from alcohol, which was inspired by religious conviction and which was therefore able to accomplish what could never be enforced by the external sanction of an alien law.”
“Here then in the foreground of the future, we can remark two valuable influences which Islam may exert upon the cosmopolitan proletariat of a Western society that has cast its net round the world
and embraced the whole of mankind” - (Civilization on Trial, Newyork, 1948, pp.204 - 208).
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